Friday, April 23, 2010

Downtown Terre Haute

This past weekend I visited Greenville, South Carolina to attend my brother's wedding. If you haven't visited it is a really great place with a very active downtown, both socially and economically. This made me wonder why Terre Haute couldn't support a similar environment on a smaller scale. Although downtown Terre Haute has some examples of successful busineses, the first that come to mind are almost always the Terminal or Copper Bar. Not to say that bars don't play a vital role in social life of a city but it would be nice to have some local businesses or restaurants take advantage of some of the available space. The new Children's Museum will hopefully play a role in attracting different types of businesses to move downtown. Downtown Terre Haute, Inc. has the some of the same goals to help improve life downtown. This organization has a large list of members and is a great source for various activities going on in Terre Haute. One of the group's main activities is the downtown Farmer's Market which reminds us of Terre Haute's days of agricultural prominence. Hopefully this group and others will continue to coordinate its efforts and work to revive the downtown area.

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