Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ISU Spring Enrollement Increases

Indiana State received some positive news at a time when job cuts are looming. An increase of 4% in this Spring's enrollment over last year is welcomed news for a university that is facing many questions. The spring semester is usually not a time of great growth for colleges. Although the increase was minor, it is a step in the right direction for the school. I know several people who are choosing to return to school and continue their education during these uncertain economic times. This could provide ISU with the boosted enrollment it needs to help prove its worth and help regain the funding it has lost.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Children's Museum Sets Opening Date

The Terre Haute Children's Museum will be finally be opening this upcoming September. Fund-raising efforts will continue to gather the remaining 10% of the $5.5 million project cost. The museum is accepting donations through their website and through the mail. Annual attendance is expected to be somewhere between 40,000 and 60,000 visitors annually. If the projections hold true this would double or triple the attendance of the current facility. This will not be done without the help of area volunteers which will be needed to help finish certain exhibits. Volunteers will also be crucial in the day to day operation of the facility. The opening should provide a boost to the area economy and help educate area children simultaneously.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

MLK Day of Service

On Monday, many ISU students enjoyed a day off due to the Martin Luther King Holiday. That day over 200 students along with members of the ISU faculty and community joined together to remember Martin Luther King.

 The Martin Luther King Day of Service accomplishes many things, "In addition to helping solve serious problems, service brings people from different backgrounds together, and benefits those who serve." (MLK Site) This event was locally organized by ISU's Center for Public Service and Community Engagement. The CPSCE provides many students and community members opportunities to improve themselves and their community. 

This year volunteers were able to pick where they served from several organizations. I chose the American Cancer Society because several of my family members have either battled or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer. The others there seemed especially motivated to help due to the personal motivation that brought them there. Events like this help organize individuals who might not know much about area opportunities for community service. Hopefully this exposure will drive others to serve their community instead of looking for a way out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baseball Returning to Terre Haute

Thanks to efforts made by the ISU foundation “Minor League” baseball will soon return to Terre Haute this year. Many groups have tried unsuccessfully to bring baseball back to Terre Haute in recent years. The ISU foundation succeeded by investing $2.5 million in renovations at ISU’s Bob Warn Field, this during a time with ISU facing the highest cuts of all Indiana colleges receiving state funding. Here is the link to the article. The Terre Haute Rex will be the first franchise in the city since Terre Haute had a franchise in the Three-I League in the mid 1950s.

I have mixed feelings about this decision by ISU. I am a Sport Management major so obviously more job opportunities and investment in the area is exciting, although, it is questionable how much benefit ISU will see from supporting this team or any benefit they will see from it resulting from ISU athletics. According to the article the original plans included a seating capacity of 2,000 or more seats and now capacity will only be 878. Initially when I heard about a Minor League team possibly coming to Terre Haute I was very excited, but when I heard about the format of the Prospect League I was slightly disappointed. I would not call it Minor League baseball or even a college All-Star team. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised by the level of talent.