Monday, January 25, 2010

Children's Museum Sets Opening Date

The Terre Haute Children's Museum will be finally be opening this upcoming September. Fund-raising efforts will continue to gather the remaining 10% of the $5.5 million project cost. The museum is accepting donations through their website and through the mail. Annual attendance is expected to be somewhere between 40,000 and 60,000 visitors annually. If the projections hold true this would double or triple the attendance of the current facility. This will not be done without the help of area volunteers which will be needed to help finish certain exhibits. Volunteers will also be crucial in the day to day operation of the facility. The opening should provide a boost to the area economy and help educate area children simultaneously.

1 comment:

  1. It is so awesome that they are opening this museum! I think it is really cool that children will have a place for educational activities and experiences! One cool thing about the donations is that there are multiple options for submitting them to the museum! Another cool thing about the donations is that they don't have to be monetary, beacause a donation of time and service is also beneficial! I think it is cool that the expected attendance is going to be double or triple of the old museum! That is nearly two or three times as much! I think I would like to be one of those visitors! Attending would be really cool! If I went with my friends, it could be awesome and cool! Museums are cool!
