Thursday, January 21, 2010

MLK Day of Service

On Monday, many ISU students enjoyed a day off due to the Martin Luther King Holiday. That day over 200 students along with members of the ISU faculty and community joined together to remember Martin Luther King.

 The Martin Luther King Day of Service accomplishes many things, "In addition to helping solve serious problems, service brings people from different backgrounds together, and benefits those who serve." (MLK Site) This event was locally organized by ISU's Center for Public Service and Community Engagement. The CPSCE provides many students and community members opportunities to improve themselves and their community. 

This year volunteers were able to pick where they served from several organizations. I chose the American Cancer Society because several of my family members have either battled or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer. The others there seemed especially motivated to help due to the personal motivation that brought them there. Events like this help organize individuals who might not know much about area opportunities for community service. Hopefully this exposure will drive others to serve their community instead of looking for a way out.


  1. I admire the work that you have done, and I am proud to call you my friend! Way to go, Chris!

  2. I too want to say keep up the hard work. I was hoping you would have an update on Martin Luther King and I was extremely appreciative.

